
Sannu 14 years

Was irregular to school, had bad company and smoked. Residential supervision, counseling, behavioral and study intervention increased his motivation to...

Dalu 15 Years

A ganja abuser ran errands and looked after cattle but was sidelined by the community. After a community awareness program,...

Suma aged 35

With a deaf and dumb child was treated for her psychiatric symptoms with witchcraft. She had psychiatric intervention at Jeevanidhi...

Rohan 47years with 4 years in sobriety

Loans that piled up during my life as an alcoholic is now being gradually paid by being a member of...

Ruben 28 years

Alcohol made me behave immorally and after 6 months of treatment for my psychiatric health and de addiction at Jeevanidhi...

Alvin 42 years

My wife had a high paying job in Dubai and I was living with my son in my sister’s home....

Bhaskar 47 years

I had an inter caste marriage and my marriage is broke due to my alcoholism. My first attempt at de...

Kavitha 28 years

My husband was an alcoholic and a daily agricultural worker. He sought treatment for his addiction at Jeevanidhi and was...

Ravi 39 years

I drank sometimes for nearly 6000 rupees a night. By the time I went for the last withdrawal, I said...