Jeevanidhi Yuva

A special focus is rendered to the younger generations to prevent the circle of substance abuse. At Jeevanidhi, we believe that prevention is better than cure; and since we have witnessed the first hand disasters of alcohol dependency, and the difficulty to return back to normal life, we make efforts to inform the students about the ill effects of drug abuse so that they make conscious choices to say “NO” to alcohol and drugs. And if they are already influenced, to seek timely help.

Sl.No. Account Head Unit Cost No. of Unit Cost per program per month
Project Yuva
Childrens Weekend Classchidrens weekend classes covering 100 children in 2 batches at total of 40 sessions per year (inclusive of refreshment/ resource fees/transport/training material)Rs.50*child/session40 sessions200000
Counseling & Training Eventscounselling & Training events for children living in alcoholics families covering 60 children in the age group of 10-18 years, 5 Days Camp (inclusive of cost of training material, transport, food, refreshments, resource fees, explosure & travel)Rs.20000/day5 days100000